包月平面設計每月只需$7000元起,可因應自己預算隨時隨地更改,客戶可安心專注於自己業務! 服務範疇包括​建立品牌形象、平面設計、廣告推廣、網站設計與展覽。提供一站式的專業服務,為客戶解決各種方案。 查詢熱線 / Whatsapp :5465 3355
設計 / 平面設計設計靚DesignLandhk

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提供一站式的全方位市場活動策劃和推廣服務:  公關及活動管理  數碼營銷  線上推廣  活動統籌及展覽會  企業視頻拍攝及電影拍攝後期製作  網站設計  平面設計服務  項目管理  網紅平台
商業 / 市場策劃ZtoaGroup - One-stop Solutions Marketing Company

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課程網站: https://sthconsultancygroup.com/ 網上課程, 隨時隨地學習 課程內容: 投資銀行、首席財務官如何進行併購、籌資、分拆、全面收購。關聯交易。反向收購 財務總監如何進行年度報告及相關上市規則 公司秘書如何履行職責及相關上市規則(董事會會議、股東大會、購股權及獎勵計劃) 董事職責(內幕消息、停牌、復牌)
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Our consultants are devoted to be your leal advisors on property management.
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Company Profile Corporate and Security Solution Limited, CASSolution, is a Hong Kong based company, focus on providing total solution on Information Security, IT Service Management, Business Continui
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫企業安全方案有限公司

We are a one stop solution provider, always young at heart and dynamical. Innovation is the wellspring of Ocean Unicorn growth. To consolidate our market influence, Ocean Unicorn has established a co
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ETON Properties Ltd. is a prestige property investment and development company specializing in luxury homes, top quality commercial premises, shopping mall and hotel building. Developments where styl
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Company Mission ServiceTech (Hong Kong) Limited specializes in planning, developing and implementing Management Solutions. We offer BMC Business Service Management (BSM) product suite as a core, and

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Ambience Yoga Comprises 3 Boutique Yoga Studios in Singapore and 1 in Penang, Malaysia attached to a Cafe.. Selling Individually or as a Whole Business including Companies
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Established in 1979, Sino Estates Management Limited (SEML) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sino Land Company Limited and a fully accredited property management company that has been elected as a ful
物業地產 / 物業管理服務信和物業管理有限公司

Our security co. licence no. is 0672. We make sure the buildings operate more smoothly. We help the owners' corporation to handle their job duties.Help the neighbors to have a good relationships. We
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